Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Weed in the Desert

“For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground” Isaiah 53:2-3
How do you see the birth of Christ?

Jesus Christ the Son of God, entered humanity, and from the viewpoint of the Father he was like a fresh plant growing strong in the middle of a desert. He was a beautiful flowering plant that would bring shade and refreshment to the desert around it – life abounding in a dry and dusty place. As God looked down at the baby Jesus, a small weed planted in the dusty, dirty soil of humanity, He saw the most beautiful orchid.

Unfortunately, humanity missed it. Humanity – poor and wretched and blind – a virtual desert, passed right by, many noticing nothing at all, others seeing only a weed. Where’s the beauty? Where’s that something special?

So it is with humanity, always looking for the beautiful, the extravagant, the exceptional. It seems as though the only time humanity looks for weeds is when they are looking for something to kill. “Rid the world of weeds,” humanity cried, and so they tried…

Thank God for weeds. They are hard to get rid of. On the third day that weed in the desert bloomed again, and it’s still growing – giving relief to a dry and dusty desert.

Some have told me this sounds sacrilegious, let me know what you think.

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