Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Great Faith

Near the beginning of Jesus earthly ministry, he and his disciples were at a wedding. You know the story. The host ran out of wine, and Jesus’ mother turned to Jesus for help. He, of course, turned water into wine.

I’ve heard people say, “Jesus was such an obedient son, he did what his mother asked.” There’s no doubt Jesus was an obedient son, but technically she never asked for anything. She told him, “They are out of wine,” and then she said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

What kind of faith is that, to trust he would do something not even asked for? Can you imagine going to Jesus, and just saying, “Here is a need,” and then believing he would help with it? Jesus always responded positively to faith. When four men ripped open the roof to lower their paralytic friend to Jesus, he didn’t discipline their destruction.

Instead, seeing their faith, he forgave the man’s sin and healed him.
In one instance, a centurion, a Roman soldier, asked Jesus to heal his servant. His faith was so great, he believed Jesus didn’t have to go to the centurion’s house, but only speak. Jesus rewarded the man’s faith and the servant was well.

When the Canaanite woman, not a Jew, came and asked for help, Jesus declined. However, seeing the woman’s persistent faith, Jesus relented saying, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.”
But how many times do we also read the reprimand, “O you of little faith”? Storms on lakes, meals for multitudes, powerful demons, were problems with simple solutions for our Savior, yet for his disciples, these situations brought fear, confusion and discouragement.

What about you? Are winds and waves about to wash you away? Are you surrounded by a multitude of hungry people, longing for a taste of the bread of life? Is your servant sick?

The God who spoke the waves into existence can, surely, command them still today. Why do you doubt? The Savior, who sacrificed his own self, can still satisfy every need of everyone. Why do we live without forgiveness, without power or without wisdom? Do you doubt he can provide?

God rewards great faith. Can you imagine the joy of hearing these words from the Creator of the universe, “Be it done for you as you desire”? Knowing if He said it, it would happen. There is nothing that can overcome what He speaks.

Yet, even though this is true, how often do you doubt? How often have you felt God must be in heaven, shaking His head, saying, “O you of little faith”? You don’t ever have to hear those words again. Believe. Trust.
He is…the Mighty God…the Lord of Heaven’s Armies…a Mighty Fortress…Faithful and True…a Strong and Mighty Tower…a defender of the weak…Love…Life…

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