Tuesday, March 27, 2012

He Will

Do you have faith? If asked, how many of us would deny it? We might clarify and justify, but few of us would deny.

But what about at night? You wake up in the middle of the night – the pain of your loss, the fear of failure, the voice of uncertainty, they hover around you in the darkness. Does your faith clear the air and sing you back to sleep, or do you turn and toss, watching the glowing red numbers advancing towards morning?

Most of us have faith, but it is weak. We are like the official who came to Jesus in Capernaum. This man had heard of water becoming wine and healings happening. When his own son was nearing death, he thought more and more about this one named, Jesus.

“If Jesus can do these great things, maybe he could heal my son,” the man surmised. And so, he went to Jesus and asked. He had to have had some level of faith, but it was too feeble.

Jesus challenged him. “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” This man’s son was dying, and Jesus was more concerned with the man’s faith. “I don’t think you really believe.”

The official rose to the challenge. “Sir, come down before my child dies.” It was as if he said, “I didn’t come to see any signs. I came because you may be the only hope my son has. If you don’t come he will die for sure.”
Now it’s sounding more like faith, but Jesus throws down another test. “Go; your son will live.” He wouldn’t go with the man. Instead, He wanted the man to believe He would heal the boy – total faith.

What would have happened if the man had said, “Great, thanks for nothing?
I believed you could heal my son, but you won’t even make the effort. Obviously, I was wrong.” Or, what if he had said nothing, but turned around defeated and headed home. Of course it’s only speculation, but I think this man’s son would have died.

God is glorified when our faith is tested and found true. So, how is your faith? Too many in the church today have settled for an “I believe God can” faith, and God sends a challenge to strengthen it. The official’s son was healed the moment the official turned away from Jesus with faith that Jesus would heal him. But we pray, “God, I know you can do this, so please do.” We add “in Jesus name” to the end of it. And then we worry and wait.

God wants us to ask in Jesus name – the representation of His character and power. Jesus name – the name that has “all authority in heaven and earth” ascribed to our prayers. Can you really ask in that name, and just believe he might be able to?

Whatever you ask for in my name – Jesus, the name above every name – my Father will do for you. He doesn’t want us to believe he can. He wants you to believe He will. And so, “the tested genuineness of your faith – more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire – may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 1:7)

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